A musical set in the late 90s, amid the vibrant chaos of Downtown Disney in Orlando, Florida, Ronald McDonald spirals into a bender, leaving his fast food kingdom in jeopardy as his friends embark on a journey to save him and restore the golden arches and their friendship.
(currently in production!)
A comedy sketch in which aspiring singer, Wilbur Linkk takes us behind the scenes of his music video shoot.
A Vogue ‘Day in the Life’ Parody starring the Green M&M.
A narrative podcast based on a Jewish folktale from Howard Schwartz’s book, Lilith’s Cave.
A comedy pilot script following middle school girls and the shenanigans that accompany them.
A song written for a live comedy event at Studio 54’s 54 Below, sung by actress Carly Post.
Co-founder of this alternative girlblog/magazine that gives insight and humor to the modern-day girl’s interests.
Physical zines to be released soon.